First and foremost, this blog is for YOU, my reader. As a secondary goal, this blog helps me support my family financially. That means if you click on an ad or an affiliate link, I make a little money… However, if you buy through an affiliate link, your final cost does *not* change.
Because my first priority is providing content that will help you and your family live healthier, fuller lives, my primary concern is to be authentic and honest. As such, all opinions and reviews are entirely my own, regardless of whether or not I earn a commission on a given product.
I will never endorse a product unless it’s one that I personally believe in and believe my readers will also find value in.
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
This policy is valid for from Sunday, May 21 2017 and may be changed at any time, without notice. Changes and/or additions may be made to this policy without being noted in the text.