Untethered 101: Your Digital Decluttering System
Make time for what matters most.
In this program you will
- break social media’s hold on your life
- set up a system that will help you to make your life more organized and productive
- declutter and organize your digital life so that it no longer has a hold on you
all within a community of like-minded individuals on the same path as you.
Savvy Screen Time Solutions for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Reduce screen time. Increase independence. Make a screen time plan that works for your family.
You’ll learn
- how to end screen time battles–before they start
- what the research says about the pros and cons of screen time
- how to create a realistic screen time plan that you can stick to
- how to let go of the guilt when things don’t go according to plan
- what to do to model good screen use with your kids
- how to assess shows and apps
- how to help your kids be independent so that you can actually get stuff done without screens